Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jack O'Lantern Sloppy Joe Biscuits

  • 1 tube Pillsbury Grands Biscuits
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 can Sloppy Joe sauce
  • 8 slices of American or cheddar cheese
Brown the ground beef in a frying pan until no longer pink. Add the Sloppy Joe sauce according
to the cans directions. Turn a muffin pan upside down. Place the biscuits over each muffin cup.
Bake according to the biscuits tube's directions. After baking carefully remove the biscuits from the pan. They now form little bowls.

Add the Sloppy Joe mixture to each "bowl" . Make a Jack O' Lantern out of each piece of cheese
by using the lip of a cup (or a round cookie cutter) to cut a circle out of cheese. Use a sharp knife
to cut the eyes, nose, and mouth out to form the face

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